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emotional condition [n]
- Qual [f]
- Schmerz [m]
- Leiden [n]
physical [v]
- foltern
- martern
- peinigen
pain [v]
- quälen
emotional condition [v]
- quälen
behavior [v]
- quälen
- reizen
- piesacken [informal]
- triezen [informal]
- belästigen
- herausfordern
emotional condition [n]
- tourment [m]
- torture [f]
- supplice [m]
physical [v]
- torturer
- tourmenter
- martyriser
pain [v]
- tourmenter
emotional condition [v]
- affliger
behavior [v]
- tourmenter
- provoquer
- harceler
- importuner
emotional condition [n]
- tormento [m]
- supplizio [m]
- angoscia [f]
- sofferenza [f]
physical [v]
- torturare
- tormentare
- far soffrire
pain [v]
- tormentare
emotional condition [v]
- affliggere
- tormentare
behavior [v]
- tormentare
- assillare
- molestare
- affliggere
- provocare
- esasperare
emotional condition [n]
- tormento [m]
- angustia [f]
- aflicción [f]
- desconsuelo [m]
physical [v]
- torturar
- atormentar
pain [v]
- atormentar
emotional condition [v]
- afligir
- atormentar
behavior [v]
- provocar
- atormentar
- acosar
- importunar
- hostigar
emotional condition [n]
- kwelling [f]
- foltering [f]
- marteling [f]
- lijden [n]
physical [v]
- folteren
- martelen
- pijnigen
pain [v]
- kwellen
- pijnigen
emotional condition [v]
- kwellen
- pijnigen
behavior [v]
- sarren
- tergen
- pesten
- plagen
- kwellen
- treiteren
- jennen
emotional condition [n]
- plåga [u]
- kval [n]
- vånda [u]
- tortyr [u]
- lidande [n]
physical [v]
- tortera
- pina
- plåga
pain [v]
- plåga
- pina
emotional condition [v]
- plåga
- hemsöka
behavior [v]
- reta
- plåga
- trakassera
emotional condition [n]
- tormento [m]
- agonia [f]
- tortura [f]
- sofrimento [m]
physical [v]
- torturar
- atormentar
- agonizar
pain [v]
- atormentar
- torturar
emotional condition [v]
- afligir
- atormentar
behavior [v]
- provocar
- atormentar
- importunar
- molestar
Present participle; Past participle
- tormenting
- tormented
- torment
- torment
- torments
- torment
- torment
- torment
- tormented
- tormented
- tormented
- tormented
- tormented
- tormented
- will torment
- will torment
- will torment
- will torment
- will torment
- will torment
Present conditional
- would torment
- would torment
- would torment
- would torment
- would torment
- would torment
Present Perfect
- have tormented
- have tormented
- has tormented
- have tormented
- have tormented
- have tormented
Past Perfect
- had tormented
- had tormented
- had tormented
- had tormented
- had tormented
- had tormented
Future Perfect
- will have tormented
- will have tormented
- will have tormented
- will have tormented
- will have tormented
- will have tormented
Past conditional
- would have tormented
- would have tormented
- would have tormented
- would have tormented
- would have tormented
- would have tormented
- -
- torment
- -
- -
- -
- -
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