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expectation [v]
- denken
reasoning [v]
- denken an
- bedenken
- nachdenken über
mental faculty [v]
- denken
thought [v]
- meinen
intention [v]
- denken
imagine [v]
- begreifen
- sich vorstellen
problem [v]
- nachdenken über
expectation [v]
- penser
- croire
reasoning [v]
- penser
- songer
- réfléchir
mental faculty [v]
- penser
- réfléchir
thought [v]
- estimer
intention [v]
- penser
imagine [v]
- s'imaginer
- comprendre
problem [v]
- considérer
- peser
- réfléchir sur
- méditer sur
- ruminer
expectation [v]
- pensare
- aspettarsi
reasoning [v]
- pensare
- pensare a
- riflettere
mental faculty [v]
- pensare
thought [v]
- supporre
- credere
intention [v]
- pensare
imagine [v]
- pensare
- immaginare
- capire
problem [v]
- meditare
- riflettere
- ponderare
expectation [v]
- pensar
- imaginar
reasoning [v]
- pensar
- pensar en
mental faculty [v]
- pensar
- razonar
thought [v]
- estimar
- creer
intention [v]
- creer
imagine [v]
- pensar
- imaginar
- entender
problem [v]
- meditar
- reflexionar
- pensar
expectation [v]
- denken
reasoning [v]
- denken aan
- bedenken
- nadenken over
- overdenken
mental faculty [v]
- denken
- nadenken
thought [v]
- denken
- vermoeden
intention [v]
- denken
- eraan denken om
imagine [v]
- begrijpen
- zich voorstellen
- zich indenken
- bedenken
problem [v]
- nadenken
- piekeren
- peinzen
expectation [v]
- tro
reasoning [v]
- tänka på
- tänka efter
mental faculty [v]
- tänka
thought [v]
- räkna med
- anta
- förmoda
intention [v]
- tro
- tänka
imagine [v]
- tänka sig
- föreställa sig
- fatta
problem [v]
- begrunda
- fundera på
expectation [v]
- pensar
- imaginar
reasoning [v]
- pensar
- pensar sobre
- lembrar
mental faculty [v]
- pensar
- raciocinar
thought [v]
- estimar
- pensar
- supor
- achar
intention [v]
- achar
imagine [v]
- entender
- compreender
- conceber
problem [v]
- ponderar
- ruminar
- pensar
Present participle; Past participle
- thinking
- thought
- think
- think
- thinks
- think
- think
- think
- thought
- thought
- thought
- thought
- thought
- thought
- will think
- will think
- will think
- will think
- will think
- will think
Present conditional
- would think
- would think
- would think
- would think
- would think
- would think
Present Perfect
- have thought
- have thought
- has thought
- have thought
- have thought
- have thought
Past Perfect
- had thought
- had thought
- had thought
- had thought
- had thought
- had thought
Future Perfect
- will have thought
- will have thought
- will have thought
- will have thought
- will have thought
- will have thought
Past conditional
- would have thought
- would have thought
- would have thought
- would have thought
- would have thought
- would have thought
- -
- think
- -
- -
- -
- -
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