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general [n]
- Zunahme [f]
- Zuwachs [m]
tension [n]
- Zunahme [f]
wages [n]
- Erhöhung [f]
quantity [n]
- Zunahme [f]
- Zuwachs [m]
- Vergrößerung [f]
- Vermehrung [f]
- Beschleunigung [f]
tension [v]
- zunehmen
- steigern
- ansteigern
amount [v]
- erhöhen
prices [v]
- anheben
- aufschlagen
- erhöhen
size [v]
- zunehmen
add to [v]
- vermehren
- erhöhen
general [n]
- augmentation [f]
tension [n]
- montée [f]
wages [n]
- augmentation [f]
quantity [n]
- poussée [f]
- augmentation [f]
- accroissement [m]
- extension [f]
tension [v]
- augmenter
- monter
- accroître
amount [v]
- augmenter
- relever
prices [v]
- hausser
- augmenter
size [v]
- accroître
add to [v]
- augmenter
- agrandir
general [n]
- aumento [m]
- incremento [m]
tension [n]
- aumento [m]
wages [n]
- aumento [m]
quantity [n]
- aumento [m]
- crescita [f]
- espansione [f]
tension [v]
- aumentare
- accrescere
- salire
amount [v]
- aumentare
- rialzare
prices [v]
- aumentare
- maggiorare
size [v]
- aumentare
- accrescere
add to [v]
- moltiplicare
- ingrandire
general [n]
- aumento [m]
tension [n]
- acumulación [f]
- aumento [m]
wages [n]
- aumento [m]
- incremento [m]
quantity [n]
- aumento [m]
- subida [f]
- crecimiento [m]
tension [v]
- acumular
- aumentar
amount [v]
- aumentar
prices [v]
- aumentar
- subir
size [v]
- aumentar
- crecer
add to [v]
- aumentar
- incrementar
general [n]
- ökning [u]
- tillväxt [u]
tension [n]
- stegring [u]
wages [n]
- lönepåslag [n]
- löneförhöjning [u]
quantity [n]
- stigande [n]
- tillväxt [u]
- ökning [u]
- höjning [u]
- tillskott [n]
tension [v]
- öka
- stiga
amount [v]
- höja
- förhöja
prices [v]
- höja
- driva upp
size [v]
- tillta
- växa
add to [v]
- utöka
- öka ut
- öka på
general [n]
- aumento [m]
- incremento [m]
tension [n]
- aumento [m]
wages [n]
- aumento [m]
quantity [n]
- aumento [m]
- crescimento [m]
- elevação [f]
tension [v]
- aumentar
- incrementar
amount [v]
- aumentar
- incrementar
prices [v]
- aumentar
- subir
- encarecer
size [v]
- aumentar
- crescer
add to [v]
- aumentar
- incrementar
Present participle; Past participle
- increasing
- increased
- increase
- increase
- increases
- increase
- increase
- increase
- increased
- increased
- increased
- increased
- increased
- increased
- will increase
- will increase
- will increase
- will increase
- will increase
- will increase
Present conditional
- would increase
- would increase
- would increase
- would increase
- would increase
- would increase
Present Perfect
- have increased
- have increased
- has increased
- have increased
- have increased
- have increased
Past Perfect
- had increased
- had increased
- had increased
- had increased
- had increased
- had increased
Future Perfect
- will have increased
- will have increased
- will have increased
- will have increased
- will have increased
- will have increased
Past conditional
- would have increased
- would have increased
- would have increased
- would have increased
- would have increased
- would have increased
- -
- increase
- -
- -
- -
- -
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