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weapon [n]
- Schlag [m]
music [n]
- Hit [m]
gun [v]
- schießen
- anschießen
objects [v]
- stoßen
- auftreffen
nautical [v]
- kollidieren
- zusammenstoßen
person [v]
- schlagen
- klapsen
weapon [n]
- coup [m]
music [n]
- chanson [f] à succès
- tube [informal]
gun [v]
- toucher
objects [v]
- heurter
- cogner
nautical [v]
- entrer en collision avec
- aborder
person [v]
- frapper
- battre
weapon [n]
- colpo [m]
music [n]
- hit [m (invariable)]
- successo [m]
gun [v]
- colpire
objects [v]
- urtare
- sbattere
nautical [v]
- entrare in collisione con
- scontrarsi con
- speronare
person [v]
- colpire
- battere
weapon [n]
- golpe [m]
music [n]
- impacto [m]
- éxito [m]
gun [v]
- herir
- pegarle un tiro a
objects [v]
- tropezar con
- dar contra
- chocar contra
nautical [v]
- chocar con
- chocar contra
- abordar con
person [v]
- golpear
- pegar
weapon [n]
- slag [m]
music [n]
- hit [m]
- succesnummer [n]
gun [v]
- raken
- schieten
- treffen
objects [v]
- treffen
- raken
nautical [v]
- aanvaren
person [v]
- slaan
- meppen
weapon [n]
- slag [n]
music [n]
- schlager [u]
- hit [u]
gun [v]
- träffa
objects [v]
- slå
- slå till
nautical [v]
- stöta ihop
- ränna på
person [v]
- slå
- smälla till
weapon [n]
- golpe [m]
music [n]
- sucesso [m]
gun [v]
- balear
- atingir
- ferir
objects [v]
- bater
nautical [v]
- colidir com
- chocar-se com
- bater em
person [v]
- golpear
- bater
event [n]
- achievement
- success
- smash
- knockout
- click
- wow
action [n]
- blow
- punch
- rap
- stroke
action [v]
- strike
- punch
- bash
- whack
- thrash
- flail
- kick
- buffet
action [v]
- achieve
- accomplish
- attain
- reach
- gain
- win
activity [v]
- affect
- fit
- befit
- suit
- touch
action [v]
- find
- discover
- happen upon
- come upon
- meet with
action [v]
- crash
- clash
- collide
- strike
- knock
- bump
- butt
- jostle
Present participle; Past participle
- hitting
- hit
- hit
- hit
- hits
- hit
- hit
- hit
- hit
- hit
- hit
- hit
- hit
- hit
- will hit
- will hit
- will hit
- will hit
- will hit
- will hit
Present conditional
- would hit
- would hit
- would hit
- would hit
- would hit
- would hit
Present Perfect
- have hit
- have hit
- has hit
- have hit
- have hit
- have hit
Past Perfect
- had hit
- had hit
- had hit
- had hit
- had hit
- had hit
Future Perfect
- will have hit
- will have hit
- will have hit
- will have hit
- will have hit
- will have hit
Past conditional
- would have hit
- would have hit
- would have hit
- would have hit
- would have hit
- would have hit
- -
- hit
- -
- -
- -
- -
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