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internal-combustion engine [n]
- Pleuelstange [f]
sports - gymnastics [n]
- Schwebebalken [m]
light [n]
- Strahl [m]
construction [n]
- Tragbalken [m]
- Balken [m]
aviation [n]
- Richtstrahl [m]
- Leitstrahl [m]
- Peilstrahl [m]
telecommunications [v]
- senden
pride [v]
- strahlen
- vor Stolz strahlen
happiness [v]
- strahlen
- vor Glück strahlen
- über das ganze Gesicht strahlen
eyes [v]
- strahlen
- leuchten
light [v]
- strahlen
- scheinen
internal-combustion engine [n]
- bielle [f]
sports - gymnastics [n]
- poutre [f] d'équilibre
light [n]
- rayon [m]
construction [n]
- poutre [f]
aviation [n]
- signal [m] radar
telecommunications [v]
- diriger
pride [v]
- rayonner de fierté
happiness [v]
- irradier de joie
- irradier de bonheur
- rayonner de joie
eyes [v]
- étinceler
- briller
light [v]
- rayonner
- éclairer
internal-combustion engine [n]
- biella [f]
- barra [f] d'accoppiamento
sports - gymnastics [n]
- asse [f] d'equilibrio
light [n]
- raggio [m]
construction [n]
- trave [f]
aviation [n]
- segnale [m] unidirezionale
telecommunications [v]
- orientare
pride [v]
- traboccare d'orgoglio
happiness [v]
- essere raggiante di gioia
- essere radioso di gioia
- traboccare di gioia
eyes [v]
- brillare
- splendere
- luccicare
light [v]
- irradiare
- irraggiare
internal-combustion engine [n]
- biela [f]
sports - gymnastics [n]
- barra [f] de equilibrio
- barra [f] sueca
light [n]
- rayo [m]
construction [n]
- viga [f]
aviation [n]
- onda [f] dirigida
telecommunications [v]
- emitir
pride [v]
- rebosar de orgullo
happiness [v]
- rebosar de alegría
- irradiar felicidad
eyes [v]
- brillar
- irradiar
- radiar
- relucir
light [v]
- irradiar
internal-combustion engine [n]
- drijfstang [m/f]
sports - gymnastics [n]
- evenwichtsbalk [m]
light [n]
- straal [m/f]
construction [n]
- draagbalk [m]
- balk [m]
aviation [n]
- geleide straal [m/f]
- balkenstraal [m/f]
telecommunications [v]
- richten
pride [v]
- glunderen
- glunderen van trots
happiness [v]
- glunderen
- stralen
- stralen van geluk
eyes [v]
- stralen
- schitteren
light [v]
- uitstralen
internal-combustion engine [n]
- vevstake [u]
sports - gymnastics [n]
- balansbom [u]
- bom [u]
light [n]
- stråle [u]
construction [n]
- bjälke [u]
- balk [u]
aviation [n]
- ledljus [n]
- riktad radiosignal [u]
telecommunications [v]
- sända
pride [v]
- stråla
- stråla av stolthet
happiness [v]
- stråla
- stråla av glädje
- skina
eyes [v]
- stråla
- lysa
light [v]
- stråla
- skina
internal-combustion engine [n]
- biela [f]
- puxavante [m]
sports - gymnastics [n]
- barra [f]
- trave [f]
light [n]
- feixe [m]
- raio [m]
construction [n]
- trave [f]
- viga [f]
aviation [n]
- feixe [m] direcional
telecommunications [v]
- transmitir
pride [v]
- encher-se de orgulho
- orgulhar-se muito
happiness [v]
- irradiar felicidade
- transbordar de alegria
eyes [v]
- brilhar
- luzir
light [v]
- irradiar
- brilhar
Present participle; Past participle
- beaming
- beamed
- beam
- beam
- beams
- beam
- beam
- beam
- beamed
- beamed
- beamed
- beamed
- beamed
- beamed
- will beam
- will beam
- will beam
- will beam
- will beam
- will beam
Present conditional
- would beam
- would beam
- would beam
- would beam
- would beam
- would beam
Present Perfect
- have beamed
- have beamed
- has beamed
- have beamed
- have beamed
- have beamed
Past Perfect
- had beamed
- had beamed
- had beamed
- had beamed
- had beamed
- had beamed
Future Perfect
- will have beamed
- will have beamed
- will have beamed
- will have beamed
- will have beamed
- will have beamed
Past conditional
- would have beamed
- would have beamed
- would have beamed
- would have beamed
- would have beamed
- would have beamed
- -
- beam
- -
- -
- -
- -
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