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derecho - personas [n]
- Gericht [n]
miembro de la familia real [n]
- Hof [m]
- Residenz [f]
- Hofstaat [m]
- Hofhaltung [f (arch.)]
cuchillo [n]
- Schneide [f]
papel [n]
- Schlitz [m]
televisión [n]
- Clip [m]
derecho [n]
- Gericht [n]
- Gerichtshof [m]
medicina [n]
- Ausschneidung [f]
- Entfernung [f]
recorte [n]
- Beschränkung [f]
- Drosselung [f]
- Reduzierung [f]
- Einschränkung [f]
derecho - personas [n]
- court
miembro de la familia real [n]
- court
- royal household
cuchillo [n]
- edge
- sharp side
papel [n]
- slit
televisión [n]
- clip
derecho [n]
- court
- court of law
- court of justice
- tribunal
- bench
medicina [n]
- excision [formal]
- removal
recorte [n]
- cutback
- reduction
- decrease
derecho - personas [n]
- cour [f]
- tribunal [m]
- auditoire [m]
miembro de la familia real [n]
- cour [f]
- cour [f] royale
cuchillo [n]
- tranchant [m]
papel [n]
- entaille [f]
- encoche [f]
- fente [f]
televisión [n]
- clip [m]
- court extrait [m]
derecho [n]
- tribunal [m]
- cour [f]
medicina [n]
- excision [f]
- ablation [f]
recorte [n]
- réduction [f]
- diminution [f]
- restriction [f]
derecho - personas [n]
- corte [f]
- Corte [f]
miembro de la familia real [n]
- corte [f]
- casa [f] reale
cuchillo [n]
- filo [m]
- taglio [m]
- parte [f] tagliente
papel [n]
- taglio [m]
televisión [n]
- clip [m]
- inserto [m] filmato
derecho [n]
- tribunale [m]
- corte [f]
medicina [n]
- escissione [f]
- estirpazione [f]
recorte [n]
- riduzione [f]
- diminuzione [f]
- contrazione [f]
derecho - personas [n]
- gerecht [n]
miembro de la familia real [n]
- hof [n]
- hofhouding [f]
cuchillo [n]
- snede [m/f]
- snijkant [m]
papel [n]
- gleuf [m/f]
televisión [n]
- clip [m]
- fragment [n]
derecho [n]
- rechtbank [m/f]
- gerecht [n]
- gerechtshof [n]
- tribunaal [n]
medicina [n]
- uitsnijden [n]
- wegnemen [n]
recorte [n]
- vermindering [f]
- inkrimping [f]
- bezuiniging [f]
derecho - personas [n]
- rätt [u]
miembro de la familia real [n]
- hov [n]
- hovstat [u]
cuchillo [n]
- egg [u]
papel [n]
- skåra [u]
televisión [n]
- klipp [n]
derecho [n]
- domstol [u]
medicina [n]
- excision [u]
- bortskärning [u]
recorte [n]
- nedskärning [u]
- minskning [u]
- inskränkning [u]
derecho - personas [n]
- tribunal [m]
- corte [f]
miembro de la familia real [n]
- corte [f]
cuchillo [n]
- fio [m]
- corte [m]
papel [n]
- corte [m]
- talho [m]
televisión [n]
- clipe [m]
derecho [n]
- tribunal [m]
- corte [f]
medicina [n]
- excisão [f]
- retirada [f]
recorte [n]
- corte [m]
- redução [f]
- diminuição [f]
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