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general [n]
- Zeit [f]
- Moment [m]
occasion [n]
- Mal [n]
past [n]
- Epoche [f]
- Zeitalter [n]
watch [n]
- Zeit [f]
music [n]
- Takt [m]
- Tempo [n]
duration [n]
- Dauer [f]
- Zeit [f]
general [v]
- timen
general [n]
- temps [m]
- heure [f]
- moment [m]
occasion [n]
- fois [f]
past [n]
- époque [f]
watch [n]
- heure [f]
music [n]
- mesure [f]
- tempo [m]
duration [n]
- durée [f]
- temps [m]
general [v]
- programmer
- minuter
general [n]
- tempo [m]
- ora [f]
- momento [m]
occasion [n]
- volta [f]
past [n]
- tempo [m]
- epoca [f]
watch [n]
- ora [f]
music [n]
- tempo [m]
duration [n]
- durata [f]
- corso [m]
general [v]
- programmare
- calcolare
general [n]
- tiempo [m]
- hora [f]
- momento [m]
occasion [n]
- vez [f]
past [n]
- época [f]
- tiempos [mp]
- era [f]
watch [n]
- hora [f]
music [n]
- tiempo [m]
- compás [m]
- tempo [m]
duration [n]
- duración [f]
- lapso [m]
general [v]
- programar
general [n]
- tijd [m]
- tijdstip [n]
- moment [n]
occasion [n]
- keer [m]
- maal [m/f]
past [n]
- tijd [m]
- tijdperk [n]
watch [n]
- tijd [m]
music [n]
- maat [m/f]
- tempo [n]
duration [n]
- duur [m]
- tijdsduur [m]
- tijd [m]
general [v]
- timen
general [n]
- tid [u]
- tidpunkt [u]
occasion [n]
- gång [u]
past [n]
- tid [u]
watch [n]
- tid [u]
music [n]
- takt [u]
- tempo [n]
duration [n]
- varaktighet [u]
- tid [u]
general [v]
- välja tiden för
- tajma
- avpassa
general [n]
- tempo [m]
- hora [f]
- momento [m]
occasion [n]
- vez [f]
past [n]
- tempo [m]
- época [f]
- era [f]
watch [n]
- hora [f]
music [n]
- compasso [m]
- tempo [m]
- ritmo [m]
duration [n]
- duração [f]
- tempo [m] de duração
general [v]
- calcular o tempo
duration [n]
- term
- interval
- period
- space
- span
- spell
- year
duration [n]
- past
- present
- future
- continuance
phase [n]
- era
- age
- period
- date
- epoch
- generation
- cycle
- season
music [n]
- tempo
- measure
- beat
- rhythm
- cadence
- rate
- swing
activity [v]
- gauge
- measure
- regulate
Present participle; Past participle
- timing
- timed
- time
- time
- times
- time
- time
- time
- timed
- timed
- timed
- timed
- timed
- timed
- will time
- will time
- will time
- will time
- will time
- will time
Present conditional
- would time
- would time
- would time
- would time
- would time
- would time
Present Perfect
- have timed
- have timed
- has timed
- have timed
- have timed
- have timed
Past Perfect
- had timed
- had timed
- had timed
- had timed
- had timed
- had timed
Future Perfect
- will have timed
- will have timed
- will have timed
- will have timed
- will have timed
- will have timed
Past conditional
- would have timed
- would have timed
- would have timed
- would have timed
- would have timed
- would have timed
- -
- time
- -
- -
- -
- -
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