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restaurant [n]
- Trinkgeld [n]
- Bakschisch [n]
information [n]
- Tipp [m]
- Hinweis [m]
objects [n]
- Spitze [f]
- Ende [n]
restaurant [v]
- Trinkgeld geben
objects [v]
- kippen
- umkippen
restaurant [n]
- pourboire [m]
- gratification [f]
- bakchich [m]
information [n]
- suggestion [f]
- tuyau [m (informal)]
objects [n]
- bout [m]
- extrémité [f]
restaurant [v]
- donner un pourboire
objects [v]
- faire pencher
restaurant [n]
- mancia [f]
information [n]
- consiglio [m]
- suggerimento [m]
objects [n]
- punta [f]
- estremità [f (invariable)]
restaurant [v]
- dare la mancia
objects [v]
- inclinare
- capovolgere
- rovesciare
restaurant [n]
- propina [f]
- gratificación [f]
information [n]
- consejo [m]
objects [n]
- punta [f]
- extremidad [f]
restaurant [v]
- dar una propina
objects [v]
- inclinar
- ladear
- volcar
restaurant [n]
- fooi [m/f]
- drinkgeld [n]
information [n]
- tip [m]
- wenk [m]
objects [n]
- tip [m]
- top [m]
- uiteinde [n]
restaurant [v]
- tippen
- een fooi geven
objects [v]
- doen overhellen
- schuinzetten
- doen kantelen
restaurant [n]
- dricks [u]
- drickspengar [up]
- servisavgift [u]
information [n]
- vink [u]
- tips [n]
objects [n]
- spets [u]
- topp [u]
restaurant [v]
- ge dricks
objects [v]
- tippa på
- ställa på lut
- välta
- stjälpa
restaurant [n]
- gorjeta [f]
- gratificação [f]
- propina [f]
information [n]
- sugestão [f]
- palpite [m]
objects [n]
- ponta [f]
- extremidade [f]
restaurant [v]
- dar gorjeta
- deixar gorjeta
objects [v]
- inclinar
- virar
Present participle; Past participle
- tipping
- tipped
- tip
- tip
- tips
- tip
- tip
- tip
- tipped
- tipped
- tipped
- tipped
- tipped
- tipped
- will tip
- will tip
- will tip
- will tip
- will tip
- will tip
Present conditional
- would tip
- would tip
- would tip
- would tip
- would tip
- would tip
Present Perfect
- have tipped
- have tipped
- has tipped
- have tipped
- have tipped
- have tipped
Past Perfect
- had tipped
- had tipped
- had tipped
- had tipped
- had tipped
- had tipped
Future Perfect
- will have tipped
- will have tipped
- will have tipped
- will have tipped
- will have tipped
- will have tipped
Past conditional
- would have tipped
- would have tipped
- would have tipped
- would have tipped
- would have tipped
- would have tipped
- -
- tip
- -
- -
- -
- -
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