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ill [a]
- miserabel
- mies
- elend
living conditions [a]
- rau°
- hart
substance [a]
- grob
sea [a]
- rau°
surface [a]
- rau°
- holperig
- holpernd
weather [a]
- böig
- stürmisch
voice [a]
- rau°
behavior [a]
- barsch
- schroff
- mürrisch
- brummig
- brüsk
- grob
- rau°
sports - golf [n]
- Rough [n]
ill [a]
- patraque [informal]
- mal fichu [informal]
- mal foutu [informal]
living conditions [a]
- rude
- dur
- difficile
substance [a]
- rugueux
sea [a]
- agité
- houleux
surface [a]
- rugueux
- accidenté
- inégal
- défoncé
weather [a]
- violent
- venteux
voice [a]
- rauque
- rude
behavior [a]
- bourru
- rude
- désagréable
- fruste
- brusque
- gros
- grossier
sports - golf [n]
- rough [m]
ill [a]
- a pezzi
- malandato
- conciato male [informal]
living conditions [a]
- duro
- difficile
substance [a]
- aspro
sea [a]
- mosso
- agitato
surface [a]
- ruvido
- scabro
- accidentato
- sconnesso
- irregolare
weather [a]
- tempestoso
- burrascoso
- ventoso
voice [a]
- aspro
- sgradevole
- stridulo
behavior [a]
- rude
- sgarbato
- scontroso
- brusco
- secco
- grezzo
- ruvido
sports - golf [n]
- erba [f] alta
ill [a]
- fatal [informal]
- pachucho [informal]
living conditions [a]
- difícil
- duro
substance [a]
- áspero
sea [a]
- picado
- agitado
surface [a]
- áspero
- desigual
- accidentado
- lleno de baches
weather [a]
- tempestuoso
- tormentoso
- ventoso
voice [a]
- bronco
- áspero
behavior [a]
- desagradable
- rudo
- mal educado
- brusco
- abrupto
- áspero
- grueso
- basto
sports - golf [n]
- hierba [f] alta
ill [a]
- belabberd
- miserabel
- beroerd
- ellendig
living conditions [a]
- ruw
- hard
substance [a]
- ruw
- grof
sea [a]
- ruw
- knobbelig
surface [a]
- ruw
- hobbelig
weather [a]
- stormachtig
- winderig
- waaierig
voice [a]
- ruw
behavior [a]
- lomp
- ongemanierd
- ruw
- onbehouwen
- bruusk
- bars
- nors
- stroef
- grof
sports - golf [n]
- ruw terrein [n]
ill [a]
- urdålig
- vissen
- eländig
living conditions [a]
- hård
- tuff
substance [a]
- grov
sea [a]
- krabb
- vågig
- stötig
surface [a]
- ojämn
- guppig
- skakig
weather [a]
- stormig
- våldsam
- blåsig
voice [a]
- grov
behavior [a]
- björnaktig
- grov
- plump
- ovänlig
- ohövlig
- brysk
- burdus
- snäsig
- tvär
- barsk
- sträv
sports - golf [n]
- oländig mark [u]
ill [a]
- arrasado
- acabado
- ferrado [slang
- Lat. Amer.]

living conditions [a]
- difícil
- duro
substance [a]
- áspero
sea [a]
- agitado
- picado
surface [a]
- rugoso
- desigual
- acidentado
weather [a]
- tempestuoso
- borrascoso
voice [a]
- áspero
- rouco
behavior [a]
- grosseiro
- rude
- mal-educado
- bruto
- tosco
- brusco
- grosso
sports - golf [n]
- mato [m]
- rough [m]
Present participle; Past participle
- roughing
- roughed
- rough
- rough
- roughs
- rough
- rough
- rough
- roughed
- roughed
- roughed
- roughed
- roughed
- roughed
- will rough
- will rough
- will rough
- will rough
- will rough
- will rough
Present conditional
- would rough
- would rough
- would rough
- would rough
- would rough
- would rough
Present Perfect
- have roughed
- have roughed
- has roughed
- have roughed
- have roughed
- have roughed
Past Perfect
- had roughed
- had roughed
- had roughed
- had roughed
- had roughed
- had roughed
Future Perfect
- will have roughed
- will have roughed
- will have roughed
- will have roughed
- will have roughed
- will have roughed
Past conditional
- would have roughed
- would have roughed
- would have roughed
- would have roughed
- would have roughed
- would have roughed
- -
- rough
- -
- -
- -
- -
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