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general [v]
- schneiden
divide [v]
- schneiden
nail [v]
- schneiden
- abschneiden
games - cards [v]
- abnehmen
size [v]
- verringern
hair [v]
- schneiden
- abschneiden
general [v]
- couper
divide [v]
- couper
nail [v]
- couper
games - cards [v]
- couper
size [v]
- réduire
hair [v]
- couper
general [v]
- tagliare
divide [v]
- tagliare
nail [v]
- tagliarsi
games - cards [v]
- tagliare
size [v]
- ridurre
hair [v]
- tagliare
general [v]
- cortar
divide [v]
- cortar
nail [v]
- cortar
games - cards [v]
- cortar
size [v]
- reducir
hair [v]
- cortar
- recortar
general [v]
- snijden
divide [v]
- snijden
nail [v]
- knippen
- afknippen
games - cards [v]
- couperen
- afnemen
size [v]
- inkorten
hair [v]
- knippen
- afknippen
general [v]
- skära
divide [v]
- skära
nail [v]
- klippa
games - cards [v]
- kupera
size [v]
- skära ned
- minska
hair [v]
- klippa
general [v]
- cortar
divide [v]
- cortar
- partir
nail [v]
- cortar
- aparar
games - cards [v]
- cortar
size [v]
- reduzir
hair [v]
- cortar
characteristic [n]
- fashion
- form
- garb
- kind
- stamp
- mode
- sort
- style
thing [n]
- incision
- rent
- channel
- stab
- gash
- pierce
- nip
- passage
action [v]
- penetrate
- score
- scratch
- gash
- claw
- incise
- lance
- pierce
deed [v]
- insult
- hurt
- move
- slight
- touch
- wound
activity [v]
- slice
- haggle
- chisel
- bisect
- dissect
- mangle
- rive
- carve
activity [v]
- trim
- shave
- crop
- truncate
- lop
- lop off
activity [v]
- harvest
- mow
- reap
activity [v]
- trim
- snip
- clip
- shave
- pare
- prune
- shear
position [v]
- intersect
- bisect
- cross
Present participle; Past participle
- cutting
- cut
- cut
- cut
- cuts
- cut
- cut
- cut
- cut
- cut
- cut
- cut
- cut
- cut
- will cut
- will cut
- will cut
- will cut
- will cut
- will cut
Present conditional
- would cut
- would cut
- would cut
- would cut
- would cut
- would cut
Present Perfect
- have cut
- have cut
- has cut
- have cut
- have cut
- have cut
Past Perfect
- had cut
- had cut
- had cut
- had cut
- had cut
- had cut
Future Perfect
- will have cut
- will have cut
- will have cut
- will have cut
- will have cut
- will have cut
Past conditional
- would have cut
- would have cut
- would have cut
- would have cut
- would have cut
- would have cut
- -
- cut
- -
- -
- -
- -
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